Monday, April 28, 2008

Why the Lisbon treaty needs to get the boot; part two...

Following on from my previous post on this here's another reason why the Lisbon Treaty deserves a resounding "NO".
The "Lisbon Treaty Referendum website" outlines one of the changes to the way Europe would be governed if the treaty is ratified as following: "At present, each Member State nominates one member of the Commission. A new Commission will be appointed in 2009 for a five year term with one member from each Member State.

If the Treaty comes into force then two-thirds of the Member States will nominate a Commissioner in 2014. There are 27 Member States at present. So, if the number of Member States remains the same, there will be 18 Commissioners in the period 2014 – 2019.

The right to nominate a Commissioner will rotate among the Member States on an equal basis. This means that each Member State will nominate a member of the Commission for two out of every three Commissions (that is, 10 of every 15 year cycle). The precise details of how this will operate in practice have yet to be decided. One Commissioner will hold the position of the newly created High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy."

So let me get this right; voting yes for the Lisbon Treaty will result in 9 of the 27 member states having no representation on the European council at any given time? Hardly democratic is it now? Lets put this in perspective: If Ireland was governed like this it would mean that 33% of elected TD's would not have a seat in the Dail....
Also the inclusion of the following sentence hardly instills faith: "The precise details of how this will operate in practice have yet to be decided." So you can vote yes, but we are suitably vague on specifics so that we can fill in the blanks in whatever way suits us and still insist that you voted yes for it.
You would expect that for something this important they would have gone through the trouble of working out ALL the details before putting it to a vote.
It again proves my point that even the bean-counters that put this treaty together do not understand the full contents and implications of it. Either that or they are being suitably vague in an attempt to sucker us all into granting them more legislative powers without any restrictions or guidelines on how to apply these powers.
More to follow....

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